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How to solve BackgroundUploadAsync error?

I am using BackgroundUploadAsync API to upload a file to OneDrive. Most of the times the function works fine, but sometimes the call returns with this error message:

System is busy with a previous background Upload...

I tried closing and restarting the application, but I am still getting the same error.

Any idea why it happens? How can I reinitialize the connection with OneDrive?

Here is the code to do the Upload:

public static async Task<string> BackgroundUploadFile<T>(
    string skydriveFolderId,
    T objectToSerialize,
    string fileNameInSkyDrive,
    BackgroundTransferPreferences backgroundTransferPreferences =
    string fileId = string.Empty;
        var storageFolder = await GetSharedTransfersFolder();

        StorageFile isolatedstorageFile = await storageFolder.CreateFileAsync(
        using (var writer = new StreamWriter
            (await isolatedstorageFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()))
            // convert to string
            var _String = Serialize(objectToSerialize);
            await writer.WriteAsync(_String);

        Client.BackgroundTransferPreferences = backgroundTransferPreferences;
        LiveOperationResult liveOpResult = await Client.BackgroundUploadAsync(
            new Uri("/shared/transfers/" + fileNameInSkyDrive, UriKind.Relative),
        fileId = (string)liveOpResult.Result["id"];
        Debug.WriteLine("BackgroundUploadFile: " + fileNameInSkyDrive);
    catch (Exception e)
        MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Upload Error", MessageBoxButton.OK);

        Debug.WriteLine("\nError - BackgroundUploadFile: " + e.Message);

    return fileId;

Also, I have a "suspicion" that the OneDrive is locking the account because there are background tasks that are "stuck" and OneDrive does not release/free them?!


  • I couldn't make BackgroundUploadFile work as expected and solved it by using the attached upload function instead:

            public static async Task<string> UploadFile<T>( string skydriveFolderId,
                                                        T objectToSerialize,
                                                        string fileNameInSkyDrive )
            string fileID = string.Empty;
            using ( var memoryStream = new MemoryStream() )
                    var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer( objectToSerialize.GetType() );
                    serializer.WriteObject( memoryStream, objectToSerialize );
                    memoryStream.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                    LiveOperationResult liveOpResult = await Client.UploadAsync( skydriveFolderId, fileNameInSkyDrive, memoryStream, OverwriteOption.Overwrite );
                    fileID = (string)liveOpResult.Result [ "id" ];
                    Debug.WriteLine( "\nUploadFile: " + fileNameInSkyDrive );
                catch ( Exception e )
                    MessageBox.Show( e.Message, "Upload Error", MessageBoxButton.OK );
                    Debug.WriteLine( "\nError - UploadFile: " + e.Message );
            return fileID;
