I have installed VTK 6.1 on Ubuntu 14.04. The header files can be found at : /usr/local/include/vtk-6.1 and the libraries can be found at : /usr/local/lib.
However, when I try to include VTK into my QT5.4 project .pro file with:
INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include/vtk-6.1
LIBS += -L/usr/local/lib -lvtkCommon
It gives me the error:
error: cannot find -lvtkCommon
I have confirmed all my library files such as libvtkCommonCore-6.1.so are in the /usr/local/lib folder. My include path is working, as I can see that QT is finding the header files.
What could the issue be?
Replace -lvtkCommon with -lvtkCommonCore-6.1.1 or any other library that you need (they can be found in /usr/local/lib)