Can anyone let me know how we are going to output all the subroutine's graphs in batch mode suing IDC
. i.e. I have 447 subroutine's and wanna be output them all and I would like to make sure I first retrieve all the routines address automatically, cuz by knowing the address I can simply use GenFuncCall
P.S: Is this the only cfg that I can get from Ida Pro given a binary dis-assembled file?
If you just want the address of all known functions in the IDB, you could use something like this using IDAPython (just an example):
def main():
for count, func_ea in enumerate(Functions()):
if func_ea == BADADDR:
func_name = GetFunctionName(funcea)
func_start = func_ea
print("[{:4}] name: {}; start address: {:#x}".format(count, func_name, func_start))
if __name__ == "__main__":