I want to calculate the mean for several columns and thus create a new column for the mean using dplyr
and without melting + merging.
> head(growth2)
CODE_COUNTRY CODE_PLOT IV12_ha_yr IV23_ha_yr IV34_ha_yr IV14_ha_yr IV24_ha_yr IV13_ha_yr
1 1 6 4.10 6.97 NA NA NA 4.58
2 1 17 9.88 8.75 NA NA NA 8.25
3 1 30 NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 1 37 15.43 15.07 11.89 10.00 12.09 14.33
5 1 41 20.21 15.01 14.72 11.31 13.27 17.09
6 1 46 12.64 14.36 13.65 9.07 12.47 12.36
I need a new column within the dataset with the mean of all the IV columns. I tried this:
growth2 %>%
summarise(IVmean=mean(IV12_ha_yr:IV13_ha_yr, na.rm=TRUE))
And returned several errors depending on the example used, such as:
Error in NA_real_:NA_real_ : NA/NaN argument
Error in if (trim > 0 && n) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
You don't need to group, just select()
and then mutate()
mutate(df, IVMean = rowMeans(select(df, starts_with("IV")), na.rm = TRUE))