I have a Sinatra app using the Sequel ORM in which I'm trying to list only Categories that have one or more Posts.
So, if I have two categories in the database; "Apples" and "Oranges", and one Post assigned to "Apples", then when I list the current categories I only want the "Apples" category to be provided.
After much hair-pulling I finally managed to get it working with the following;
class Post < Sequel::Model
many_to_one :category
class Category < Sequel::Model
one_to_many :posts
dataset_module do
def with_posts
where(id: Post.select(:category_id))
@categories = Category.with_posts
If there's a better way of doing this in Sequel please do let me know.
Try Jeremy's counter cache https://github.com/jeremyevans/sequel_postgresql_triggers
# In your migration:
pgt_counter_cache :categories, :id, :posts_count, :posts, :category_id
# And in your code:
categories = Category.exclude(posts_count: 0).all
The documentation isn't very good so here are the arguments: https://github.com/jeremyevans/sequel_postgresql_triggers/blob/master/lib/sequel_postgresql_triggers.rb#L27