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Best way to determine unmerged branches in a script

At an interactive prompt, I can use the git branch -r --no-merged command to determine remote branches that haven't been merged yet. However, git branch is a porcelain command and therefore is not suitable for use in a script.

Is there any good plumbing command I can use to determine the same branches returned by the --no-merged option?


  • I found that the command git merge-base supports an --is-ancestor argument to check if a commit is contained in the history of another. Using this, I can find unmerged remote refs like this (in ksh):

    function showUnmerged {
        typeset -a unmergedRefs=()
        git for-each-ref --format='%(objectname) %(refname)' refs/remotes | \
        while read -r hash ref; do
            git merge-base --is-ancestor "$hash" "$1" || unmergedRefs+=("$ref")
        echo "${unmergedRefs[@]}"
    showUnmerged HEAD

    This doesn't seem to be particularly efficient, but it does work and as far as I know, both for-each-ref and merge-base are plumbing commands