Search code examples

Replace the phone number by a contact name in iOS, Android SMS body

We at our website send invitation messages via SMS. Users can specify the number of their friend, and this friend will receive the following SMS message on his/her phone:

+37300123456 invited you to join our service, blah blah...

Normally this +37300123456 (it's a Moldovan phone number, non-existing) exists in user's contact list. Our target customers use Android and iOS.

Is that possible to send something like control text (see example below)

{contact:+37300123456} invited you to join our service, blah blah...

Which will display on the user's phone like

Homer Simpson invited you to join our service, blah blah...


  • Is that possible to send something like control text[?]

    Unfortunately, no. An SMS message is just plain text, and how a message is displayed is entirely up to the client app. Most Android SMS apps will show phone numbers, URLs, etc., as links to open the appropriate app if they are detected in the message body, but there's nothing you can include in a text message to "force" them to do so.