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How can I make a read-only ObservableCollection property?

I'd like to expose a property on a view model that contains a list of objects (from database).

I need this collection to be read-only. That is, I want to prevent Add/Remove, etc. But allow the foreach and indexers to work. My intent is to declare a private field holding the editable collection and reference it with a read-only Public Property. As follows

public ObservableCollection<foo> CollectionOfFoo { 
     get { 
         return _CollectionOfFoo;

However, that syntax just prevents changing the reference to the collection. It doesn't prevent add/remove, etc.

What is the right way to accomplish this?


  • A solution is:

    public class Source
            m_collection = new ObservableCollection<int>();
            m_collectionReadOnly = new ReadOnlyObservableCollection<int>(m_collection);
        public ReadOnlyObservableCollection<int> Items
            get { return m_collectionReadOnly; }
        readonly ObservableCollection<int> m_collection;
        readonly ReadOnlyObservableCollection<int> m_collectionReadOnly;

    See ReadOnlyObservableCollection anti-pattern for a full discussion.

    Note that the [previously] accepted answer will actually return a different ReadOnlyObservableCollection every time ReadOnlyFoo is accessed. This is wasteful and can lead to subtle bugs.