I'm learning about wsimport. In the examples I've seen, they show how to generate the wsdl from the server code, and then, how to use wsimport on the wsdl to generate the java client stubs. Does this imply that in order to use wsimport on the wsdl file, the wsdl file must need to have been originally created using jax-ws? Or should it work on any wsdl file?
The reason why I'm asking is because I get an error when I run the command:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin\wsimport" -s . http://developer.ebay.com/webservices/latest/ebaySvc.wsdl
I get [ERROR] unexpected <ws:any>
I'm still new at this, so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if there's something wrong with the WSDL?
In principle it works with any wsdl (as long as it follows the standard). Have you tried to download it locally first, in case it wasn't obtained correctly remotely.