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How to fetch custom or namespaced elements in QueryPath?

I'm trying to fetch my custom elements in QueryPath library. But QueryPath does not work. Can anyone please help me how I can do it in QueryPath? See sample code below;

<plugin:text path="filename" />

Moreover, I also checked the PhpSimpleDom library in detail. Although it works good for me. But it does not provide the full support of css selectors and more. I also have face a very bad memory problem in PhpSimpleDom.

Can anyone please help me to fetch above mentioned element in QueryPath?

Thanks Smac


  • From


    <rdf:RDF><rdf:Description rdf:about=""><dbpprop:placeOfBirth rdf:resource=""/><dbpedia-owl:birthPlace rdf:resource=""/></rdf:Description>/rdf:RDF>


    // Fetch the URL and select all rdf:Description elements.
    // (Note that | is the CSS 3 equiv of colons for namespacing.)
    // To add the context, we pass it in as an option to QueryPath.
    $qp = qp($url, 'rdf|Description', array('context' => $cxt));
    // Here, we use rdf|* to select all elements in the RDF namespace.

    (Note that | is the CSS 3 equiv of colons for namespacing.)