I know that Autofixture
stops building object when it finds ISpecimenBuilder
which can satisfy the request. So when I apply several consequent customizations, all but the last one get ignored. How do I combine the customizations instead? In other words, how do I modify this snippet:
fixture.Customize<SomeClass>(ob => ob.With(x => x.Id, 123)); // this customization is ignored
fixture.Customize<SomeClass>(ob => ob.With(x => x.Rev, 4341)); // only this one takes place
To be equivalent with this snippet:
fixture.Customize<SomeClass>(ob => ob
.With(x => x.Id, 123)
.With(x => x.Rev, 4341)); // both customization are applied
Here is what I came up with:
public class CustomFixture : Fixture
public CustomFixture ()
private readonly List<object> _transformations = new List<object>();
public void DelayedCustomize<T>(Func<ICustomizationComposer<T>, ISpecimenBuilder> composerTransformation)
public void ApplyCustomize<T>()
this.Customize<T>(ob =>
return this._transformations.OfType<Func<ICustomizationComposer<T>, ISpecimenBuilder>>()
.Aggregate(ob, (current, transformation) => (ICustomizationComposer<T>)transformation(current));
And the usage:
var fixture = new CustomFixture();
fixture.DelayedCustomize<SomeClass>(ob => ob.With(x => x.Id, 123));
fixture.DelayedCustomize<SomeClass>(ob => ob.With(x => x.Rev, 4341));
var obj = fixture.Create<SomeClass>();
// obj.Id == 123
// obj.Rev == 4341
Not ideal because of the need of ApplyCustomize