I am using FMDB for my application and now I want to show my resultSet in TableView. Here is some code-
func getUser() {
var resultSet: FMResultSet! = sharedInstance.database!.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM user_info", withArgumentsInArray: nil)
if(resultSet != nil) {
while resultSet.next() {
Now here are many users in resultSet.Where and How can I put the results from resultSet so that I can show them in my TableView afterwards?
As you are iterating through the FMResultSet, it moves to the next row so you can do the below to save an array of your User objects
let resultSet:FMResultSet! = FMResultSet()
if (resultSet != nil) {
var users:Array<User> = Array<User>()
while (resultSet.next()) {
let user:User = User()
user.Id = resultSet.intForColumn("user_id")
user.name = resultSet.stringForColumn("user_name")
// Now you have your users array here and you can reload its data into your UITableView as you want.