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the MVCC effect on migration from oracle to db2

I have a simple (actually simplified :) ) scenario that is possibly the cause for the headache I've been having for the last few days...

My current application (that serves 100's of users) currently uses Oracle as the database. I have no stored procs (I wish actually).

Now, I've been asked if the product will work if I migrate to IBM DB2 as the database.

So, after taking Oracle for granted all this while.... and having re-read Tom's article on MVCC (Multiversion Concurrency Control) and going through this post stating that DB2 is not 'on the list' or 'just tip-toeing in the area' as it were... I know I can't be sure that the product will work with DB2 as is.

Is there no hope.. or is there a nice disclaimer I could use.. ?

UPDATE: DB2 has upped the ante and made this look good, on paper at least. Well, I got the 'clause' to add to my db2-migration-requirements.

DB2 licenses Postgres Plus - DB2 9.7
Enterprise DB Oracle Compatibility


  • I am pretty sure that this will work. I should disclose that I work for IBM now a migration specialist. DB2 has licensed Postgress plus and this is in DB2 9.7. This is being used essentially a set of Oracle compatibility features. One of those features is Concurrency control. The other main ones are SQL dialect, PL/SQL, PL/SQL packages Built-in packages, JDBC client with extensions, OCI client applications, SQL*Plus scripts.