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what is Telerik Reporting Services and what actually needs to implemented in it?

I have been working with Telerik for a while but recently i have encountered about Telerik Reporting services.I'm most confused with telerik reporting services (REST and WCF)

What is Telerik Reporting Services ? A web services in a broad sense is way that two software systems will communicate and exchange data by a certain mutual understanding protocol.But what we are achieving with telerik reporting services .What exactly one should implement in this web services and consume

I was more worried and badly needed was what to be implemented in the service than how to implement it.Can any one tell me in an layman terms what we are implementing in the services .


  • Telerik Reporting Services are a set of services that allow report generation from client applications.

    Based on the technology there are:

    • Telerik Reporting REST Service, which has two implementations based on ASP.NET WebAPI framework and ServiceStack. This service is designed for the purposes of the Telerik HTML5 Report Viewer. The service can be used directly by any third party client applications as well.
    • Telerik Reporting WCF Service, which is based on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and is designed for the purposes of the Telerik Silverlight Report Viewer. The service can be used directly by any third party client applications as well.

    You can find more information in the Telerik Documentation