I have successfully set up an autotools project where the tests compiles with instrumentation so I can get a test coverage report.
I can get the report by running lcov in the source dir after a successful 'make check'.
I now face the problem that I want to automate this step. I would like to add this to 'make check' or to make it a separate goal 'make check-coverage'. Ideally I would like to parse the result and fail if the coverage falls below a certain percentage. Problem is that I cannot figure out how to add a custom target at all.
The closest I got was finding this example autotools config, but I can't see where in that project the goal 'make lcov' is added. I can only see some configure flags in m4/auxdevel.m4.
Any tips?
You can apparently just add extra steps to targets in your Makefile.am, this is what I ended up with (inspired by #http://www.enlightenment.org/svn/e/trunk/ewl/Makefile.am):
@rm -fr coverage
@find . -name "*.gcda" -exec rm {} \;
@lcov --directory . --zerocounters
@mkdir -p coverage
@lcov --compat-libtool --directory . --capture --output-file coverage/app.info
@genhtml -o coverage/ coverage/app.info
@make cov-report
@make cov-reset
@make cov
The '@make cov' under check will add the 'cov' target to the default 'make check' target.