In my dexterity form
, I have a field "author"
for anonymous
to fill in, and without logged-in user
I define a permission called "isAnonymous"
, and grant "isAnonymous"
to Anonymous user,
I use dexterity.write_permission(author='isAnonymous'),
like this:
but, this method fails, even logged-in user
can see this field.
In this page
have a note:
if a permission is granted to Anonymous, it is effectively granted to everyone. It is not possible to grant permissions to non-logged in users without also granting them to logged in ones.
so, have any suggestion?
Afaik you cannot solve your problem with the security system. But you can customise the Dexterity add/edit form
Then you have the full power :-) and you can implement a condition, which shows your field or not.
Dexterity forms are based on z3c.forms and, so they features several methods, which you can override (super call and do your stuff).
In your case the code may look like this.
# I would recommend to use the `updateWidgets` method.
def updateWidgets(self):
super(CustomAddEditView, self).updateWidgets()
from plone import api
if not api.user.is_anonymous():
from z3c.form.interfaces import HIDDEN_MODE
self.widgets['author'].mode = HIDDEN_MODE