I had build and install openam 12 from source code, from svn checkout link:
svn checkout https://svn.forgerock.org/openam/tags/12.0.0/openam/
after that I had used external OpenDJ-2.6.0 with openam , installation is successful. But when I add new user and click OK I got error
Error :”Plug-in org.forgerock.openam.idrepo.ldap.DJLDAPv3Repo encountered a ldap exception. ldap errorcode=65”
Also check in OpenDJ-2.6.0 logs access logs:
[25/Feb/2015:16:27:00 +0530] ADD RES conn=6 op=131 msgID=132 result=65 message=”Entry uid=indranis,dc=xyz,dc=net violates the Directory Server schema configuration because it contains an unknown objectclass iPlanetPreferences” etime=2
Same exception I got when I try to add group , but able to solve referring following link:
remove manually from Data Store – opends and remove groupOfURLs or groupOfUniqueNames from the LDAP Groups Object Class
Is there is issue with openDJ2.6 version , or any changes do I need to configure?
I got issue resolve, by installing openAM with embeded datastore and and then after installation ,configured it with an external opendj store and removed embedded one.