I have a UILabel
that contains text like this:
"Hi, my name is John Smith. Here is my twitter handle @johnsmith and I work for this company @somerandomcompany. Thanks for watching!"
I need to find the ranges for all of the @
symbols and whatever text comes right after them until a space appears, so that I can then bold both the symbol and any text that comes after it until a space appears:
"Hi, my name is John Smith. Here is my twitter handle @johnsmith and I work for this company @somerandomcompany. Thanks for watching!"
I am familiar with using rangeOfString
but I have never had to handle multiple ranges like this. I need these NSRanges
so that I can pass them into a UILabel
category that will bold the appropriate text.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
One way like this :
NSString *strText = @"Hi, my name is John Smith. Here is my twitter handle @johnsmith. Thanks for watching! @somerandomcompany looks good";
//array to store range
NSMutableArray *arrRanges = [NSMutableArray array];
//seperate `@` containing strings
NSArray *arrFoundText = [strText componentsSeparatedByString:@"@"];
for(int i=0; i<[arrFoundText count];i++)
//leave first substring as it doesnot contain `@` after string
if (i==0) {
//get sub string
NSString *subStr = arrFoundText[i];
//get range for space
NSRange rangeSub = [subStr rangeOfString:@" "];
if (rangeSub.location != NSNotFound)
//get string with upto space range
NSString *findBoldText = [subStr substringToIndex:rangeSub.location];
//create range for bold text
NSRange boldRange = [strText rangeOfString:findBoldText];
boldRange.location -= 1;
//add to array
[arrRanges addObject:NSStringFromRange(boldRange)];
NSLog(@"Ranges : %@",arrRanges);