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c++ generic pointer to (member?) function

I can't seem to declare a generic pointer to function.

Having these 2 functions to be called:

void myfunc1(std::string str)
    std::cout << str << std::endl;
struct X
        void f(std::string str){ std::cout<< str << std::endl;}

and these two function callers:

typedef void (*userhandler_t) (std::string);
struct example
    userhandler_t userhandler_;

    example(userhandler_t userhandler): userhandler_(userhandler){}

    void call(std::string str)
template<typename func_t>
void justfunc(func_t func)
    func("hello, works!");

when I try to use them with boost::bind to call the member function they give me compile errors.

this works:

example e1(&myfunc1);"hello, world!");

this doesn't:

X x;
example e2(boost::bind(&X::f, &x, _1));"hello, world2!");
justfunc(boost::bind(&X::f, &x, _1));

How is this supposed to be done?


  • boost::bind creates objects that behave like functions, not actual function pointers. Use the Boost.Function library to hold the result of calling boost::bind:

    struct example
        boost::function<void(std::string)> userhandler_;