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CustomEditText AppCombat tinting

I have a CustomEditText, because i want to apply a font inside the CustomView. But also iwant to change the color of the underline with the new Appcombat style attributes colorControlNormal , .... unfortunately the color changes doesn't work for the CustomEditText.


  • Widget tinting is not fully supported for some scenarios, yours included:

    Q: Why is my EditText (or other widget listed above) not being tinted correctly on my pre-Lollipop device?

    A: The widget tinting in appcompat works by intercepting any layout inflation and inserting a special tint-aware version of the widget in its place. For most people this will work fine but I can think of a few scenarios where this won’t work including:

    • You have your own custom version of the widget (i.e. you’ve extended EditText)
    • ...

    The special tint aware widgets are currently hidden because they’re an unfinished implementation detail.
