I'm looking to get index position of matched element within repeater and would like to know how I can find.
List of books below
within those rows, some rows will have below element
and I want to do following
So here what I have tried.
Finding Sub-Elements - Protractor locators guide
some error such as index not defined or no method of 'get'.
I think you don't need to operate using element positions/indexes inside the repeater. Instead, find download buttons and operate with the current row using context/element specific element searches by chaining element
and element.all
var books = element.all(by.repeater('books'));
var downloadButtons = books.all(by.css('[ng-click="download"]'));
var firstDownloadButton = downloadButtons.first();
// here is how you can, for example, get the next div element to the download button
var nextElement = firstDownloadButton.element(by.xpath('following-sibling::div'));