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Authenticated user does not have permission to access data stored in Firebase

I have an authenticated user, which is given authentication through using FirebaseSimpleLogin. This user has the token:

    email: "[email protected]",
    firebaseAuthToken: SOME TOKEN,
    "id: "4",
    isTemporaryPassword: true,
    md5_hash: "aHash123",
    provider: "password",
    uid: "simplelogin:4"

I have given the authenticated user read permission under the 'rules and security' tab in firebase using:

  "rules": {
    "SOME DATA": {
      ".read": " == '[email protected]'", 
      ".write": true

However, when it comes to accessing the data, I get the error:

Error: permission_denied: Client doesn't have permission to access the desired data.

Am I missing something fundamental as to why I do not have read permission?


  • In the security rules section of firebase, I had made an error.

      "rules": {
        "SOMEDATA": { //NOTE: removal of space character
          ".read": " == '[email protected]'", 
          ".write": true

    Lesson learnt: be very specific with rules, and always follow some convention.