Code to scroll the TScrollBox by mouse wheel is given below and resides in the Form's OnMouseWheel event. When the cursor stays static over a button, it gets the orange (XP) rectangle and doesn't scroll the TScrollBox. Seems like all other mouse movement events are there except for this particular case.
If WindowFromPoint( mouse.Cursorpos ) = scrlbx1.Handle Then Begin
Handled := true;
If ssShift In Shift Then
msg := WM_VSCROLL;
If WheelDelta > 0 Then
code := SB_LINEUP
code := SB_LINEDOWN;
n:= Mouse.WheelScrollLines;
For i:= 1 to n Do
scrlbx1.Perform( msg, code, 0 );
scrlbx1.Perform( msg, SB_ENDSCROLL, 0 );
Any workaround will be appreciated.
Your problem is not that of buttons have focus, it is that your code does not account for the case when mouse pointer is on a button.
If WindowFromPoint( mouse.Cursorpos ) = scrlbx1.Handle Then Begin
The condition in the above statement will not be true when the mouse is on a button. WindowFromPoint
will return the button handle, hence the rest of the code will not execute.
You have to correct your code to account for mouse can be on another control. BTW, the event handler already passes the mouse position, use that instead of retrieving the position again - potentially even a different position. An example can be:
GetWindowRect(scrlbx1.Handle, Rect);
if PtInRect(Rect, MousePos) then begin
Focus is not a problem, VCL propagates the wheel message in the parent chain until it is handled.