I'm new to both Django and Python so please forgive me if I come off as annoying....I'm just very much misinformed!
Error Code: http://i.gyazo.com/68d88cabf536b129dc37cde6c3ae319c.png
I've googled about this 'KeyError' and it seems to be related to clean(). However, the example my lecturer gave me worked ok without it but when I tried to recreate what he gave me I kept getting this error.
A bit of info: I had originally had a ForeignKey for the user for each submission so I changed it to a simple form to fill in (not a permanent solution) but I still get a KeyError.
Here is my models, views and forms:
Sorry if I left something out. I'll respond ASAP if you all need more info.
Again, sorry if this is a silly question. But I'm utterly lost to be honest.
Thank you!
PS Sorry I really tried the code formatting but I kept getting an error saying it was incorrect thought the preview said it was ok. And I can't post more than one link.
You don't have a field named user
in your form. Try changing the relevant line to:
bd = BloodData (respondent=cd['respondent'],
in your "storeBloodData" view.