I have created a service I want to use to set the value between controllers. I am using ng-model. Before my service I had this in my html:
<div class="col col-25">
<a class="input" data-ng-keypad-input="numeric" tabindex="15" data-ng-model="fields.widthDefault" ng-change="updateROIWidths()">{{fields.widthDefault}}</a>
my fields were defined as such:
$scope.fields = {
widthDefault : 0
and my updateROIWidths was simply:
$scope.updateROIWidths = function(){
$scope.fields.widthCurrent = Number($scope.fields.widthDefault);
However, now I need a service as I have to set the value from the default in other controllers. So, I made a service as such:
.service('DefaultValuesService', function() {
this.defaultWidth = Number(0);
this.getDefaultWidth = function() {
return this.defaultWidth;
this.setDefaultWidth = function(w) {
this.defaultWidth = Number(w);
So what do I do in my html or js now to use the imputed default value to set the other values?
You need to inject the Service to both Controllers. You don't have any controller code here, but basically you will end up with something like
.controller('controllerA', ['$scope', 'DefaultValuesService', function($scope, DefaultValuesService){
$scope.fields = {
widthDefault : DefaultValuesService.defaultWidth
.controller('controllerB', ['$scope', 'DefaultValuesService', function($scope, DefaultValuesService){
$scope.changeDefaultWidth = function(width){
Note that due to the two-way binding feature of Angular, you dont need getters/setters.