I'm expecting the directive to print the template with the values inside {{ }}
resolved, but it's not. It's printing out {{argVal}}
as if it's a literal piece of HTML string.
myApp.directive('myArgs', [function() {
var theTemplate =
'<span>{</span>' +
'<div ng-if="typeIsArray(argVal)">'+
'<my-args arg-val="argVal[0]"></my-args>'
return {
restrict: "E",
scope: {
argVal: '='
controller: ... //contains utils to check type of argVal
link: function(scope, element){
In my HTML file, I'm simply calling the directive like this:
<my-args arg-val="someArray"></my-args>
is defined in the controller as $scope.someArray = ["ola", "hi", "bonjour"];
is definitely in the scope because the alert(someArray)
is working.
So why won't the template portion render properly?
You need to compile the template with scope
And dont forget to provide dependency $compile to directive.