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How do I change the default cursor in leaflet maps?

I am trying to modify the default cursor icon when a certain control button is pressed. Although I was partially successful by using css on the container div, doing this overrides the move cursor state, which is something I do not want. What I mean with this is that the move icon no longer appears while moving through the map (but not when on markers!).

I'd like to know if there is a non-hacky way through the api to achieve special cursor behaviour without redifining everything.

This is what I tried to do, #map is the container div for the leaflet map.

#map[control=pressed] {
    cursor: url('..custom.png');


  • Edit 5.18.2017: Raw CSS and Javascript via Leaflet Framework (recommended)

    I was looking through the source code for the BoxZoom plugin and noticed their approach using Leaflet's built-in DOM mutators and wanted to promote it here...this is certainly the best practice.

    Example jsfiddle

    Somewhere in your CSS include a class like this..

    .leaflet-container.crosshair-cursor-enabled {

    When you want to enable crosshairs, do this in your JS..

    // Assumes your Leaflet map variable is 'map'..

    Then, when you want to disable crosshairs, do this in your JS..


    Original Answer: Map-level Crosshairs

    @scud42 got me on the right path. You can use JQuery to change the Leaflet map cursor like this:


    Then later, when you want to reset the map cursor, you can do this:


    Edit 1.21.2016: Per-feature Crosshairs

    You can also enable crosshairs for individual features supporting the className option, such as a polygon, or feature vertices, etc.

    Here's an example of a draggable vertice that will toggle pointer crosshairs (jsfiddle):

    var svg_html_default = '<div style="margin:0px;padding:0px;height:8px;width:8px;border-style:solid;border-color:#FFFFFF;border-width:1px;background-color:#424242"</div>';
    var default_icon = L.divIcon({
      html: svg_html_default,
      className: 'leaflet-mouse-marker',
      iconAnchor: [5,5],
      iconSize: [8,8]
    var m = new L.marker([33.9731003, -80.9968865], {
      icon: default_icon,
      draggable: true,
      opacity: 0.7
    }).addTo( map );