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How to detect if object was updated using Nhibernate?

I need to find out how to perform some action (flush cache) when an object of type X is updated.

So when I save object of type Y, nothing is done, when I save unchanged object of type X nothing should happen, but when this object is changed and UPDATE is made, I want to know it.

I tried various NHibernate events (IPostUpdateEventListener, IFlushEntityEventListener, etc.) but did not succeed.


  • I was experiencing problem in implemented method, because in some cases I had to call the same method on default implementation, otherwise the code path ended in my code.

    private readonly DefaultFlushEntityEventListener _impl = new DefaultFlushEntityEventListener();
    public void OnFlushEntity(FlushEntityEvent flushEntityEvent)
       ... my code goeas here ... 

    In OnFlush method of IFlushEntityEventListener I cannot detect dirty properties... etc.

    But what really works is (thanks Andrew) is this code

    public void OnPostUpdate(PostUpdateEvent postUpdateEvent)
       var dirtyProperties = postUpdateEvent.Persister.FindDirty(postUpdateEvent.State, postUpdateEvent.OldState, postUpdateEvent.Entity, postUpdateEvent.Session);
       int dirty = dirtyProperties.Length;
       if (dirty == 0) // I want detect only modififed entities
       Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("OnPostUpdate({0}, {3}) in session#{1} - dirty props. {2}", postUpdateEvent.Entity.GetType().Name, postUpdateEvent.Session.GetHashCode(), dirty, postUpdateEvent.Entity.GetHashCode()));
       lock (_objects)
         if (!_objects.Contains(postUpdateEvent.Entity)) // I will manipulate this list in `AbstractFlushingEventListener.PostFlush` method