I can't seem to send ANY data to the server. Even tough I can in some of the other pages that I have. The only difference is that I am using a file upload in this perticular form. All works well in chrome.
Where is the error?
$( document ).ready(function() {
url: "/call/insert-standart-add.call.php", //URL IS CORRECT
type: "post", // this is OK too
data: {submitStandartPost:'im sending the submit button value'}, //this is a super-simplified version of what i want the server to recieve
contentType: 'multipart/form-data',//i have tried a ton of different values for this
processData: false, //think this should be false for file uploads
success: function(data){
console.log("nothing was sent");
The server does not recieve anything, but the script itself is being called.
echo 'no input';
maybe the error has nothing to do with file upload. I have tried to remove the file upload and enctype='multipar/bal bla bal'. just does not work. No errors being logged
I hate HTML at times...
Anyway. The best way of avoiding this issue is in a clear cross-browser way is not to use $_POST['submit'] button because it's just not reliable.
so, for example, don't do this:
//do my form logic here