I am trying to deploy my sails.js app to heroku. I have deployed it but whenever I open a page which requires data from DB it says Internal Server Error
. I think it might be a problem with my DB connection. I have created a postgresql DB on heroku and have set the connections in connections.js. Connection.js code is
module.exports.connections = {
'mysql-adapter': {
module: 'sails-mysql',
url: "postgres://username:pass@ec2-107-22-249-214.compute-1.amazonaws.com:5432/dcebipdspqn7rn",
port: 5432,
I have been searching on the net for 2 days and have tried many tweaks but none has worked for me. Kindly tell me how to solve this issue. Thanks in advance.
I checked the logs and it says
←[33m2015-02-25T14:20:38.793179+00:00 app[web.1]:←[0m Could not render view "displayroute/viewRoute". Tried locating view file @ "/app/views/displayroute/view
Route". Layout configured as "layout", so tried using layout @ "/app/views/layout")
However, the view is rendered correctly on localhost.
Your connection definition looks completely wrong and schema key should be in the models config object (either in config/models.js or in the api/models/YourModelDefinition.js or on the sails.config.models object).
I would reference the examples in connections.js found here https://github.com/balderdashy/sails-docs/blob/master/anatomy/myApp/config/connections.js.md
Remember that if you are using postgres then you need to install the adapter
npm install sails-postgresql