Since the latest Parse release (v1.6.3) my app gets stuck at launch, and the last breakpoint it hits is [PFFacebookUtils initializeFacebook];
If I hit pause and look at the debugger, the stack trace looks like this:
I'm calling [PFFacebookUtils initializeFacebook]
in - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
as advised.
From googling the semaphore_wait_trap issue, it seems to be related to clashing background threads(?) in Core Data. But I've tried commenting out all my background Parse queries and it still occurs.
I tried updating pods (this occurred before updating, incidentally). I can also run the app from a clean install, until I log in to Facebook, at which point the crash happens every time I try to launch. The PFUser appears to be returning fine when queried. I've also cleared out my entire database but it didn't make a difference.
Anyone know what might be going on?
I was seeing this same issue and found that changing the order of this initialization sequence (I am using swift) got me past it (notably commenting out the local data store also unblocks it):
This gets caught in semaphore_wait_trap:
// Parse integration initialization
Parse.setApplicationId("<my app id>", clientKey: "<my client key>")
This does not:
// Parse integration initialization
Parse.setApplicationId("<my app id>", clientKey: "<my client key>")
Not sure of the underlying issue but hope it helps.