I want to create a poker dice game in java, and when the player rolls the dice, I want the program to tell the results and the current score. However, something is wrong. It isn't giving me properly the score. For example, I changed the the Math Random algorithm to always give me always (1,1,1,1,1), so the result would be 50. Unfortunately,it is giving me 0. Can I have some help please? Thanks.
This is my code:
public class DiceGame {
public static int [] rollDice() {
int [] diceSide = new int[5];
Random diceRoller = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i<diceSide.length; i++) {
int roll = diceRoller.nextInt(1) + 1;
diceSide[i] = roll;
System.out.print(diceSide[0] + "" + diceSide[1] + "" + diceSide[2] + "" + diceSide[3] + "" + diceSide[4]);
return diceSide;
public static int getResult(int[] dice) {
int resValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dice.length; i++) {
if (dice[i] == 5) {
resValue = 50;
} else if (dice[i] == 4) {
resValue = 40;
} else if (dice[i] == 3) {
resValue = 30;
return resValue;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int player1=0;
int player2;
int player3;
int player4;
int player5;
player1 += getResult(rollDice());
Math.Random returns a value thats between 0 and 1. You have to multiply this value with the Max-Value you want to recieve - 1 and add +1 to the whole thing. Don't forget to cast this whole thing to (int). It should look something like this:
(int) (Math.Random(5) + 1)
This way, you're getting values between 1 and 6.