I need to extend the listener class of audit-logging plugin, in order to provide different functionality on some scenarios.
For that purpose I have created this class:
class CustomAuditLogListener extends AuditLogListener{
public CustomAuditLogListener(Datastore datastore) {
protected void onPreUpdate(event) {
. . .
Now, in order for the plugin to use this class instead of the default AuditLogListener, within Bootstrap.groovy I try to remove AuditLogListener from the application listeners, and add the custom listener:
def applicationContext = servletContext.getAttribute(GrailsApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)
log.debug("Application listeners - PRE")
// Remove all the listeners registered by the audit plugin.
applicationContext.getApplicationListeners.each { listener ->
if (listener.class == AuditLogListener.class) {
log.debug("AuditLogListener removed ")
grailsApplication.mainContext.eventTriggeringInterceptor.datastores.each { key, datastore ->
// Don't register the listener if we are disabled
if (!grailsApplication.config.auditLog.disabled && !datastore.config.auditLog.disabled) {
def listener = new CustomAuditLogListener(datastore)
listener.with {
// some options
log.debug("Add new listener CustomAuditLogListener")
log.debug("Application listeners -POST")
Application listeners - PRE returns empty list
Add new Listener CustomAudtilogListener is logged
Application Listeners - POST returns empty list
The way I register my listener is copied from the way the plugin registers the listener, seen in this class
To sum, what I need is replacing AuditLogListener, with my own CustomAuditLogListener. Currently the above process is not working. Any suggestions?
Hey sorry but the post does seem a little confusing, although I think I understand
I need to extend the listener class of audit-logging plugin.
Now, in order for the plugin to use this class instead of the default AuditLogListener,
so you are trying to override the auditLogListener.
Your problem maybe that you are not declaring it as an override in your conf/spring/resources.groovy.
I have done a similar thing for a class rather than listener here:
and something similar here:
grails kickstart plugin KickstartFilters how to prevent password information on logs
basically once you declare your bean
This then tricks your grails-app and any plugins that maybe referring to KickstartFilters to now refer to yourAppFilters as the replacement
Try a bean like this: (ctrl shift o) to pull in CustomAuditLogListener
grailsApplication = ref('grailsApplication')