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Xpages Combobox setting values in managed bean

I am trying to pass arguments to a managed bean. The bean is configured and works, has two methods "getResponsible" and "setResponsible". Calling "myLookup.responsible" works.

I cannot pass arguments to my bean, and can't figure out why. The below code does not work.

  <xp:comboBox id="comboBox1">

As soon as I type paranthesis ")", "(" or semicolon ";" i get error "Error in EL syntax". I guess I am making some fundamental mistake here.


  • The version of expression language does not allow parameters to easily be passed. This option may work

    If parameters are required, I usually use SSJS, so:


    If the options won't vary during the page's life, you can always compute on page load, so:
