Ninject doesn’t provide a InSessionScope Binding for Websites, so we have created our own extension:
public static IBindingNamedWithOrOnSyntax<T> InSessionScope<T>(this IBindingInSyntax<T> parent)
return parent.InScope(SessionScopeCallback);
private const string _sessionKey = "Ninject Session Scope Sync Root";
private static object SessionScopeCallback(IContext context)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session[_sessionKey] == null)
HttpContext.Current.Session[_sessionKey] = new object();
return HttpContext.Current.Session[_sessionKey];
This extension is working fine until we are using the standard local SessionStore.
But we changed the SessionStore and we now use the „AppFabricCacheSessionStoreProvider“ and this store is no longer on the local machine its on the server.
And the problem is that Ninject tries to resolve the reference of an object which was serialized and deserialized and comes from the server and not from the local memory and so ninject can’t find the reference. The result is, that ninjects allways creates a new Object and the SessionScope does not work any more.
Edit 1:
We are using this functionality
and here I can use the standard "HttpContext.Current.Session" Object and the list content is stored on the server and not on the local machine.
I've found a "Solution" that works so far it's not perfect because I am avoiding the AppFabric Store with an Localstore for the Object Reference.
public static IBindingNamedWithOrOnSyntax<T> InSessionScope<T>(this IBindingInSyntax<T> parent)
return parent.InScope(SessionScopeCallback);
public static Dictionary<string, object> LocalSessionStore = new Dictionary<string, object>();
private const string _sessionKey = "Ninject Session Scope Sync Root";
private static object SessionScopeCallback(IContext context)
var obj = new object();
var key = (string)HttpContext.Current.Session[_sessionKey];
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Session[_sessionKey] = guid;
LocalSessionStore.Add(guid, obj);
else if(!LocalSessionStore.ContainsKey(key))
LocalSessionStore.Add(key, obj);
return LocalSessionStore[key];
else if (LocalSessionStore.ContainsKey(key))
return LocalSessionStore[key];
return HttpContext.Current.Session[_sessionKey];