I have a data list (extracted from CSV) and I'm trying to use Python / GSpread to update a range of cells on a Google Doc. Here is my code sample:
import gspread
def write_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_name, sheet_id, data, start_row):
gc = gspread.login('yourmail@gmail.com', 'password')
wks = gc.open(spreadsheet_name).get_worksheet(sheet_index)
start_letter = 'A'
end_letter = string.uppercase[len(data[0]) - 1]
end_row = start_row + len(data) - 1
range = "%s%d:%s%d" % (start_letter, start_row, end_letter, end_row)
print "Range is: " + range
cell_list = wks.range(range)
for i, val in enumerate(data): #gives us a tuple of an index and value
cell_list[i].value = val #use the index on cell_list and the val from cell_values
#Update the whole sheet
print "Exception"
this_data_ex = [['data1', 'data1'], ['data2', 'data2']]
write_spreadsheet('python-test', 1, this_data_ex, 1)
This works, but it does not separate the list row entries into the correct columns. Output on Google sheets looks like this:
['data1', 'data1'] ['data2', 'data2']
How can I fix the "try - for" section to write each data entry to a new cell, then wrap the row at the correct place? (like this)
A | B
data1 | data1
data2 | data2
A Double nested for loop; one for the rows, one for the columns, then update each cell individually. This section seemed to work properly with the desired outcome:
idx = 0
for (start_row, rowlist) in enumerate(data):
for (colnum, value) in enumerate(rowlist):
cell_list[idx].value = value
idx += 1
if idx >= len(cell_list):
# Update the whole sheet