I created a graph using JUNG, and I want to add a combobox that give the user the possibility to change the used layout (Circle, KK, FR, etc.)
But I couldn't do that.
that's how I visualize my graph:
// The Layout<V, E> is parameterized by the vertex and edge types
this.layout = new CircleLayout<Ressource,Float>(this.graph);
layout.setSize(new Dimension(500, 500)); // sets the initial size of the
// layout space
// The BasicVisualizationServer<V,E> is parameterized by the vertex and
// edge types
this.vv = new BasicVisualizationServer<Ressource, Float>(layout);
vv.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(550, 550)); // Sets the viewing area
// size
// Adjust the edges thikness
Transformer<Float, Stroke> edgeStroke = new Transformer<Float, Stroke>() {
public Stroke transform(Float arg0) {
return new BasicStroke(arg0);
// Show vertex and edge labels
new Transformer<Ressource, String>() {
public String transform(Ressource r) {
return (r.nom);
vv.getRenderContext().setEdgeLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller());
I tried to create a whole new BasicVisualizationServer object having each time a different Layout, but it didn't work, It sticks with the first layout (Circle in my case).
What is the best way to change layout ?
Thanks guys !
The source file for this demo (in your distribution) demonstrates how to do it: http://jung.sourceforge.net/doc/api/edu/uci/ics/jung/samples/ShowLayouts.html