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How to render a markdown partial with Assemble?

I'm trying to render a Markdown partial using Assemble. I've setup my Grunt task as follows:

assemble: {
        options: {
            flatten: true,
            partials: [ 'src/_inc/**/*.hbs', 'src/_content/pages/*.md' ],
            layoutdir: 'src/_layouts',
            layout: 'default.hbs',              
        pages: {
            options: {
                data: 'src/_data/pages/*.json',
            files: {'public/': ['src/pages/*.hbs']}

I can easily reference any partial from that folder by simply doing {{>partial_file_name}} and it works just fine, but when I try to parse it as markdown, it won't work.

title: <%= home.title %>


<pre>{{>home}}</pre> <--- this works fine and returns the source code of


{{md 'home'}} <--- this DOES NOT output anything!

I also tried doing {{md home}}, {{md}} and {{md ''}} but none of them worked. What am I doing wrong?


  • You can use the markdown block helper:

      {{> home }}