When using optional binding to unwrap a single method call (or optional chaining for a long method call chain), the syntax is clear and understandable:
if let childTitle = theItem.getChildItem()?.getTitle() {
But, when provided the variable as a parameter, I find myself either using:
func someFunction(childTitle: String?) {
if let theChildTitle = childTitle {
or even just redefining it with the same name:
if let childTitle = childTitle { ... }
And I've started wondering if there is a shortcut or more efficient of performing a nil
check for the sole purpose of using an existing variable. I've imagined something like:
if let childTitle { ... }
Does something like this exist, or at least an alternative to my above two interim solutions?
Edit/update: Xcode 14 • Swift 5.7
swift-evolution proposal SE-0345 if let shorthand for shadowing an existing optional variable:
if let childTitle {
guard let childTitle else {
Original answer
No. You should unwrap your optionals just redefining it with the same name as you mentioned. This way you don't need to create a second var.
func someFunction(childTitle: String?) {
if let childTitle = childTitle {
update: Xcode 7.1.1 • Swift 2.1
You can also use guard as follow:
func someFunction(childTitle: String?) {
guard let childTitle = childTitle else {
// childTitle it is not nil after the guard statement