What is the best way to programmatically change the order of "preferred" networks in OS X? Objective-C preferred...
I can use CoreWLAN to gather the list, and even add to it, but as far as re-ordering I am at a loss. I can create a copy of the preference file, edit it and change the order of precedence, and then use a bash script to write over the existing configuration, but that seems a but messy.
I am aware of the networksetup -addpreferredwirelessnetworkatindex command, but it does not work correctly in 10.10 (works fine for 10.9 systems) - it adds but does not set order properly.
SystemConfiguration framework? Something else?
I was looking for a way to accomplish this after transitioning a user from an open wireless network to a WPA2E network using EAP-TTLS. Since the user connects to the open network first, it remains higher in the Preferred Networks list.
Here is what I came up with:
CWInterface *interface = [CWInterface interfaceWithName:[
[CWInterface interfaceNames] anyObject]
CWMutableConfiguration *config = [CWMutableConfiguration
NSMutableArray *networks = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:
[config.networkProfiles array]
//Remove URI_Open (if present) and
//move URI_Secure (if present) to index 0
for (CWNetworkProfile *profile in [networks copy]) {
if ([[profile ssid] isEqualToString:@"URI_Secure"]) {
[networks removeObject:profile];
} else if ([[profile ssid] isEqualToString:@"URI_Open"]) {
CWNetworkProfile *tmp = profile;
[networks removeObject:tmp];
[networks insertObject:tmp atIndex:0];
config.networkProfiles = [NSOrderedSet orderedSetWithArray:networks];
SFAuthorization *auth = [SFAuthorization authorization];
BOOL authResult = [auth obtainWithRight:"system.preferences"
kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights |
kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed |
) error:nil
NSError *error = nil;
[interface commitConfiguration:config authorization:auth error:&error];
Some notes/disclaimers: