I've developed a hardware (client,src ip :9652, des ip :9652) that reply ARP and ICMP request from pc and send UDP frame, i can check the UDP frame , ARP and icmp reply in wireshark and all of these frames are ok but i can't receive anything in my software,
in pc side (server) i set up ip address and i wrote delphi code for receiving udp frame by using indy10 , and then i check On_udp_read event for receiving data but this event never occur,
sever (pc):
udpserver.Active := True;
binding.IP:= ''; // my computer IP
You need to set up the Bindings
collection before you activate the server, not after:
//udpserver.Active := True;
binding := udpserver.Bindings.Add;
binding.IP := '';
binding.Port := 9652;
udpserver.Active := True; // <-- move down here
If the Bindings
collection is empty when you activate the server, it will create a default item that is bound to IP
(IPv4) or ::1
(IPv6) on the TIdUDPServer.DefaultPort
, which is 0 by default. So you would end up binding to a random OS-assigned port, unless you set the DefaultPort
beforehand, eg:
udpserver.DefaultPort := 9652;
udpserver.Active := True;