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Does the certificate need to be official or self signed?

I am putting a web test up for clients that visit ""


Do I need a valid certificate even though its on a test domain for certificate negotiation? If client can visit it, they failed the poodle test. (SSLv3 is enabled) on that host.



  • Do I need a valid certificate even though its on a test domain for certificate negotiation? If client can visit it, they failed the poodle test. (SSLv3 is enabled) on that host.

    Depends on the client.

    If the clients is has enough knowledge to understand, that "invalid certificate" when accessing the site means in reality that the client has still SSL 3.0 enabled, then a self-signed certificate would be enough.

    If you instead want to provide an explanation of the problem at this site and don't expect the client to explicitly accept an invalid certificate just to see this explanation, then you should better use a properly trusted certificate.