I created an open file dialog as follows:
NSArray *fileTypes = [self fileTypes];
NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
panel.canChooseFiles = canChooseFiles;
panel.canCreateDirectories = canChooseFolders;
panel.allowsMultipleSelection = allowMultiSelection;
panel.allowedFileTypes = fileTypes;
panel.title = dialogTitle;
[panel setReleasedWhenClosed:true];
if ([panel runModal] == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton)
urls = [[panel URLs] copy];
urls = nullptr;
It opens fine and selecting multiple files works fine too. However, ⌘ + A (Select All) shortcut doesn't work. Do I have to enable any other options in our app to make it work?
Key equivalents are actually driven by the main menu bar.
You have to add a menu item (e.g. named "Select All") with the ⌘+A key equivalent. Then you have to link it to the selector 'selectAll:' of First Responder.