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How to detect whether android app is running UI test with Espresso

I am writing some Espresso tests for Android. I am running in the the following problem:

In order for a certain test case to run properly, I need to disable some features in the app. Therefore, in my app, I need to detect whether I am running Espresso test so that I can disable it. However, I don't want to use BuildConfig.DEBUG to because I don't want those features to be disabled in a debug build. Also, I would like to avoid creating a new buildConfig to avoid too many build variants to be created (we already have a lot of flavors defined).

I was looking for a way to define buildConfigField for test but I couldn't find any reference on Google.


  • Combined with CommonsWare's comment. Here is my solution:

    I defined an AtomicBoolean variable and a function to check whether it's running test:

    private AtomicBoolean isRunningTest;
    public synchronized boolean isRunningTest () {
        if (null == isRunningTest) {
            boolean istest;
            try {
                Class.forName ("");
                istest = true;
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                istest = false;
            isRunningTest = new AtomicBoolean (istest);
        return isRunningTest.get ();

    This avoids doing the try-catch check every time you need to check the value and it only runs the check the first time you call this function.