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Movilizer - Masterdata referencing modification

We have a big masterdata pool of customers. With group references.

Customer "key1" is in groups "G2 and G3" (using the tag).

How can I change this references if for instance now I need customer to be in "G1 and G4" instead of "G2 and G3".

  1. Do I have to delete the key, create it again and set the new references to G1 and G4 ... or ....
  2. Is there a way to remove a reference and set another one?

Edit Let's assume this is how I created the masterdata plus references:

<masterdataPoolUpdate pool="P1">
  <update key="key1" group="G2"><description>key1Desc</description>
  <reference key="key1" group="G3" />


  • Ok I think I managed to figure it ... first I need to remove the original entry in G2 (and also the reference). Then I need to create the entry in G1 or G4 and add a new reference accordingly:

    <masterdataPoolUpdate pool="P1">
      <delete key="key1" /> <!-- delete key1 and its references --> 
      <update key="key1" group="G1"><description>key1Desc</description></update>
      <reference key="key1" group="G4" />