I have a hunch that the answer to this is embarassingly easy, but nonetheless I can't figure it out (the fact that I don't know any of these languages at all might be the case). What I need is a script which would work this way:
I need this one for online text RPG sessions. Also sorry for my bad English.
How the code looks now:
__module_name__ = "HexChat Randomiser"
__module_version__ = "0.1"
__module_description__ = "A randomiser for HexChat."
import random
import xchat
def callback(word, world_eol, userdata):
number = word[1]
if random_chance(number):
print ("Success")
print ("Failure")
def random_chance(percent_chance):
return random.randrange(1, 101) > (100 - percent_chance)
xchat.hook_command("random", callback, help="/random <number>")
The error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 10, in callback
File "<string>", line 17, in random_chance
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'int' and 'str'
First you may want to have a look at the Python or Perl documentation for hexchat.
If you want to proceed in python I've wrote a small script to get you started:
import random
import xchat
def callback(word, world_eol, userdata):
number = word[1]
if random_chance(number):
print "Success"
print "Failure"
def random_chance(percent_chance):
return random.randrange(1, 101) > (100 - int(percent_chance))
xchat.hook_command("random", callback, help="/random <number>")
You will have to get it to work in hexchat yourself. To load the script you will have to first save it some where then call the load
Load a script with given filename. /load will also work.