I want to remove a known string .doc
from the middle of a variable string %%f
in a loop.
I have a batch file that converts a Word file to PDF:
echo Converting MS Word documents to PDF . . .
cd /D "%mypath%\documents"
for /f "delims=|" %%f in ('dir *.doc /S /B') do ( Q:\OfficeToPDF.exe "%%f" "%%f.pdf" )
Problem: The output files are named myfile.doc.pdf
where I don't know the length of myfile
in advance.
--> How can I remove .doc
from that string?
Alternatively, replace .doc.
with .
would achieve the same goal.
I think I need this kind of string substitution but I can't get it to work within that for
It would almost be like this, but it doesn't work:
for [...] do ( set outname=%%f:.doc.=.% && Q:\OfficeToPDF.exe "%%f" "%outname%" )
I've seen this and this (as well as many other questions) but I didn't see a solution that works in a loop. I found a Linux solution for it but that doesn't directly help me.
The for
replaceable parameters can include a list of delimiters to extract only part of the content in the case of file/folder references (see for /?
In your case %%~dpnf.pdf
will return the drive, path, and name of the input file, with the string .pdf
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir *.doc /S /B') do ( Q:\OfficeToPDF.exe "%%f" "%%~dpnf.pdf" )
Or still better
for /r %%f in (*.doc) do ( Q:\OfficeToPDF.exe "%%~ff" "%%~dpnf.pdf" )
where %%~ff
is the reference to the file with full path