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Pandas dataframe and speed

I have a pandas dataframe object which I have preallocated with 400 000 entries. 2 columns a timestamp of type datetime.datetime and a float number. When I attempt to insert (overwrite) a row in the table it seems rather slow, depending on the size of the table I get something like 0.044seconds. I have created an index of integer and I am using this index to access the row. Here is how I am using it:

maxsize = 400000
data = pd.DataFrame({'ts' : date_list, 'val' : zeros}, index=range(maxsize))
# later on, the next statement is "slow"
data.iloc[0] = pd.Series({'ts' :, 'val': val})

As per me investigation, the last statement takes about 0.044seconds on my machine (i7-4650U). This seems quite slow. Is there something that I am doing fundamentally wrong ? Could I use something like a HDF Store to improve write speeds, but keep high read speeds also ?



  • You are assigning a series that is object dtype, iow, its mixed. So when the element assignment happens, the datetime needs to get converted. All of this is cheap; what is expensive are that each column needs to be internally copied to guard against dtype changes. Their is a fair amount of validation in the assignments to handle lots of edge cases.

    In [23]: data = pd.DataFrame({'ts' : pd.date_range('20130101',freq='s',periods=maxsize), 'val' : 0}, index=range(maxsize))
    In [24]: s = Series({'ts' :, 'val' : 1 })
    In [25]: %timeit data.iloc[-1] = s
    100 loops, best of 3: 10.6 ms per loop

    You can bypass a lot of this, but do an item-by-item assignment. This is quite fast, but you have to make sure that your dtypes are compatible.

    In [26]: def f():
        data.iat[-1,0] = s['ts']
        data.iat[-1,1] = s['val']
    In [27]: data.tail()              
                                   ts  val
    399995        2013-01-05 15:06:35    0
    399996        2013-01-05 15:06:36    0
    399997        2013-01-05 15:06:37    0
    399998        2013-01-05 15:06:38    0
    399999 2015-02-24 06:03:58.344166    1
    In [28]: %timeit f()
    10000 loops, best of 3: 35.2 us per loop