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Wizard control does not work

I'm new to the ASP.NET's Wizard control and couldn't make it work. I guess there is a minor issue in the code that prevent the wizard from displaying. Here is the code snippet that I put inside a server form.

<asp:Wizard id="Wizard1" runat="server" >


    <asp:WizardStep runat="server" id="firstStep" Title="First step">        

     What is your name<asp:TextBox id="txtName" />


    <asp:WizardStep runat="server" AllowReturn="false"  id="lastStep" Title="Last step">

     That's all for today. Good bye.





  • You have multiple errors like WizardSteps, missing runat="server" and some others

    try this

     <asp:Wizard ID="Wizard2" runat="server">
      <asp:WizardStep ID="WizardStep1" runat="server" Title="Step 1">
       What is your name<asp:TextBox id="TextBox1" runat="server" />
      <asp:WizardStep ID="WizardStep2" runat="server" Title="Step 2">
      That's all for today. Good bye.