I am using OpenDS LDAP server
and Unboundid-ldapsdk-2.3.8.jar
. When I am requesting for an extended operation like StartTransactionExtendedRequest
or StartTransactionExtendedResult
to get the transactionID
then I got an error with a ErrorCode = 53(Unwilling to perform )
and messageID = 2
The complete ERROR msg given below:
extendedResult = (com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.extensions.StartTransactionExtendedResult) StartTransactionExtendedResult(resultCode=53 (unwilling to perform), messageID=2, diagnosticMessage='There is no extended operation handler registered with the Directory Server for handling extended operations with a request OID of')
My code snippet given below also:
StartTransactionExtendedResult extendedResult;
ASN1OctetString txnId = new ASN1OctetString();
String ldapDnForUser = "ou=organization,dc=ecn_id,dc=org";
try {
StartTransactionExtendedRequest tReq = new StartTransactionExtendedRequest();
extendedResult = (StartTransactionExtendedResult) this.ldapCon.getlConn().processExtendedOperation(tReq);
} catch (LDAPException ex) {
extendedResult = new StartTransactionExtendedResult(new ExtendedResult(ex));
txnId = extendedResult.getTransactionID();
LDAPTestUtils.assertResultCodeEquals(extendedResult, ResultCode.SUCCESS);
Please anyone help how to fix it up.
OpenDS does not support RFC5805 about LDAP transactions.
As a consequence you're trying to use a control that is not supported by OpenDS.
To see what are the controls OpenDS supports, follow that link :